5 กันยายน 2553

postheadericon One trick to lose belly fat

Everyone wants to lose their excess abdominal fat and get flat and sexy abs. People buy gadgets abs, crunches are not endless, running on the treadmill for hours, but can still get most people do not move stubborn fat deposits that layers of her stomach.

So what these people are wrong? This article will answer that question and show you a trick to lose belly fat, you need to know.

So what is the first big mistake of losing the people are trying to do belly fat?Believe in spot reduction of fat. This is because the number of diet myths today: people actually believe that, through specific exercises to make them selectively remove fat from their stomach. This leads them especially the abdominal muscles work in the hope that stomach flab burning, and frustrated when they fail. The reason for this is that it is almost impossible to reduce the angle of a certain proportion of body fat.

So what is a trick to lose belly fat fast? The trick is to buryThe abdominal muscles almost completely and devote more time to just conditions of work. Lose your goal of losing fat belly fat change. Once you exceed your body fat percentage, you will see, stop and look back at your sexy abs in the mirror.

How do you reduce body fat? We train the whole body, and you work hard. Not only do cardio. Strength training is important for fat loss because it builds muscle and muscle burns more calories than any otherOf tissue. So, to increase muscle mass, burn more fat from the whole body, including your stomach.

Of course you can not forget all cardio, but make your cardio workout brief but hard. If you're not panting and sweating, then you have done very little. The trick to lose belly fat is to train hard and not your time.

I hope this article has brought you to reach the next gym and hit the weights. This applies to men and women. The wayfor a flat stomach is through training of the whole body and total body fat reduction and not through specific abdominal exercises.

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